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$ 0.00 USD


* Required


* Required

Donor info

* Required
By federal law, we can only accept donations from U.S. citizens and permanent residents (Green Card Holders), not foreign nationals.
Federal law requires us to ask for this information. Sorry for the hassle!
We will be eternally grateful. We're doing this in our spare time because we love our country, but it's expensive and we'd really appreciate a helping hand. We'll use these funds to cover our administrative costs and market Trump Donald to more people.


Make Payment
By making this payment you assert that:
  • You are a U.S. citizen or Green Card Holder.
  • This donation is made from your own funds, and funds are not being provided to you by another person or entity for the purpose of making this donation.
  • You are at least eighteen years old.
  • You are not a federal contractor.
Note: Like other political contributions, your donation is not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Note: If you donate over $200, we are required to itemize your contribution in our FEC filing.